Chakram Newsletter Nicole Barker Chakram Newsletter Nicole Barker

Rob Tapert

He was sultry and sexy. Yet he could be self-deprecating. In a moment, he could go from threatening to funny and be totally believable. Kevin was like a fine wine that finally found the proper time to open the bottle.

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Chakram Newsletter Nicole Barker Chakram Newsletter Nicole Barker

Lucy Lawless

I keep saying “is.” I think it’s because Kevin has never been part of my daily life; he’s part of my working life. And since we haven’t been working, I haven’t truly come to terms with the fact that he’s gone.

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Chakram Newsletter Nicole Barker Chakram Newsletter Nicole Barker

Ares on Xena

Ares started out on an episode of Hercules called “Ares” as a boiling pool of black goo. But that didn't last long. They realized they needed a real God of War. And if you were casting for a god and Kevin Smith walked in, could there be any doubt he'd get the job?

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