Trust Me, They’re Not Looking At Your Knees
Lucy gave a whispered “hello” when I answered the phone. She had just put Julius down for a nap and was tiptoeing out of the room.
Second Best
Kate Barker meets the directors of Xena's Second Unit crew and finds out how these specialists have contributed to the Xena legend…
Princess of Darkness
A staff writer for just one series of Xena: Warrior Princess, Emily Skopov has nevertheless made a significant impression on the Xenaverse with such outstanding season six shows as Heart of Darkness and The God You Know.
Journey’s End
As Xena: Warrior Princess nears the final stretch of its legendary journey, series star Lucy Lawless takes a break from chariot racing on the set of The God You Know to offer her thoughts on the impending end...
Mad, Bad and Dangerous To Know
When casting the role of Caligula in The God You Know, Renaissance Pictures called upon the talents of a rather special actor.
All The World’s A Stage: Sweet Chariots
Kate Barker takes her life into her hands as she ventures onto the set of The God You Know and is greeted by the sight of speeding chariots, a power-crazed Roman Emperor and a rather determined Warrior Princess…