An anthropologist among the Lion Park tribe of New Zealand
This interview with Renee took place over the course of two weeks and four phone calls. And noting the breaks in the conversation will give you a much better idea of what life on the set is like as the show is going into the filming of the final two episodes.
The Way of Friendship
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this interviewer from the swift completion of her appointed interview.
Warrior Mom
I opened our conversation with that time-honored question asked of every pregnant woman, every morning, for nine months. “So, how’s it going?
Ready when you are, Ms. O’Connor.
Renee's yellow robe, with an embroidered “G” on the back, reveals nothing but her sandaled feet. I'm glad it's not raining and there’s no mud. A cold, wet bard with muddy feet and a staff sounds like a dangerous combination.
Blond Ambition
In a revealing chat with Kate Barker during filming of the opening episode, Heart of Darkness, [Renee O’Connor] waxes lyrical about her alter ego’s development, the subtext and wearing Joxer’s hat…
Déjà Vu, For The First Time
When Annie Day starts dreaming that she was Xena, television's warrior princess, in a past life, her boyfriend Harry O'Casey decides it's time for her obsession with the show to stop.
Angel Gabrielle
Being ‘the peaceful one’ on Xena: Warrior Princess brings new challenges to actress Renee O’Connor. But, as a veteran of The Mickey Mouse Club, she should be able to handle it…