Renaissance Man

Ali Rasul, Renaissance Pictures’ Director of Marketing, discusses all the latest goings-on at Xena’s production company with David Bassom…

Official Xena Magazine: Issue 07

XENA MAGAZINE: The next few weeks will see the final episodes of Xena’s fifth season air across the US. Can you give us any clues about what’s in store for viewers? 

All I can say is that we’ll see an end of one reign and the beginning of another. The world Xena knows will be changed forever.

When we last spoke, you mentioned the possibility of a Xena single or album featuring music from the fifth season episode Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire. Has there been any progress with that?

Yes, we are planning to release a CD featuring the soundtrack from the musical episode Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire. This CD will also include pop music from past Xena episodes. I’m currently working with the record company Varese Sarabande on various details, such as re-mixing, artwork and the distribution aspects. As soon as I get a timeline and more info I’ll let you guys know.

During the past few months, there have been lots of rumours about Lucy and Rob’s baby son, Julius, making some kind of appearance in Xena. Is that really going to happen?

No, baby Julius will not be making any appearances on the show. His parents are keeping him out of the media spotlight.

Obviously, Cleopatra 2525 and Jack of All Trades have got off to a tremendous start in the ratings Stateside. Has the shows’ early success had any affect on their production? And looking ahead, does it instantly guarantee them both a second season?

We’re all very excited about the fantastic viewer response and the strong ratings. As far as being picked up again, we will not know until the end of the season. But as things stand now, it’s looking very good for Cleopatra 2525 and Jack of All Trades. Be sure to check out our web site - - for the latest news and updates.

Do you think we’ll see more half-hour shows as a result of the Back2Back Action package’s success?

The television industry is watching Cleo and Jack very closely to see how they do in the ratings. If the shows do as well as we expect, I’m sure we’ll see some other shows trying to duplicate their groundbreaking half-hour action formula - and as they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery!

Away from Xena, Cleo and Jack, what else is going on at Renaissance right now?

I don’t have many details for you guys right now, but all I can say is that R.J. Slewart and Renaissance Pictures are currently working on a project for TNT called South Camelot - it’s a two-hour movie about a group of modern-day Knights of the Round Table. If the response to the TV movie is favourable, we hope to develop it into a series. Keep an eye out for it.


Glad Tydings


Have Baby, Will Travel