Muck Raking: Robert Trebor

Archeology’s never been this much fun! Unearthing the secrets of the cast and crew.

Robert Trebor, a.k.a. Visionary entrepreneur Salmoneus, discusses his personal assets and ventures with David Bassom.

Official Xena Magazine: Issue 07

Birth name: Oh, Robert is my first name, but I'd rather keep my surname a secret. [What prompted the pseudonym?] There was someone else in Chicago with my birth name, and I created Robert Trebor because it's a palindrome: it's the only reversible name in the business.

Nicknames: Bob. I was called Trebs for a short while.

Favourite word: Laughter.

Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Current residence: Los Angeles.

Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits. More personality!

Favourite salad dressing? Low fat honey mustard.

Shampoo or conditioner? Both.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yes. Near San Diego and also in Auckland, New Zealand.

Do you make fun of people? No.

Favourite colour? Deep blue.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No. I lead a fairly circumspect life. Even the skinny dipping was all in sanctioned areas.

One pillow or two? Three. Two under the head and one under the knees - good for the lower back.

Do you have any pets? None unfortunately. Allergic.

Favourite music? There's so much. But I particularly love the French impressionist composers from the turn of the century.

Hobbies: Collecting old pinball machines. Composing music. I'm a major movie maniac, and love going to the theatre and attending concerts. 

Which toothpaste do you use? Tartar Control, mint-flavoured.

Favourite food: The first thing that comes to mind is really tart, freshly-made sorbets.

Favourite town to take it easy in: I'm not a good take-it-easy guy. I like to get charged up. But I did go to Amsterdam for a convention once, and I was just bowled over by the people, the buildings and the atmosphere. So I'll say Amsterdam.

Favourite ice cream flavour: Chocolate rum raisin.

Favourite non-alcoholic drink: Amé. It's a sparkling fruit juice thing I had when I was in England for the Starfury convention, and it's just great! 

Adidas, Nike, Reebok, or other? Other. I run a lot on machines, and Sauconys tend to last longer.

Favourite perfume/cologne: Laurenne.

Favourite subject in school: Up to puberty, maths/science. After puberty, English. At puberty, the actor in me came more to the fore, and we got to study sexy material in English Literature!

Favourite sport to Watch: Tennis.

Most humiliating moment? [Long pause] I broke a fan when I was a kid and I took it to a repair shop, but they just couldn't fix it properly.

What's been your craziest or silliest idea? I used to visualise myself walking to places through a closet that could compress distance. So I used to dream of walking from the East Coast to California in a matter of minutes!


King Con


Melody Maker